Divisible by two Crossword Clue

General knowledge plays a crucial role in solving crosswords, especially the Divisible by two crossword clue which has appeared on November 8 2024 Crosswords with Friends puzzle. The answer we have shared for Divisible by two has a total of 4 letters but also has other possible answers listed below the main one. Clues often reference historical events, famous personalities, geographical locations, scientific terms, and popular culture. This makes crosswords not just a test of one's linguistic abilities but also an exercise in general knowledge and cultural literacy.

Verified Answer


Evening. See Eve, n. 1.
Level, smooth, or equal in surface; not rough; free from irregularities; hence uniform in rate of motion of action; as, even ground; an even speed; an even course of conduct.
Equable; not easily ruffed or disturbed; calm; uniformly self-possessed; as, an even temper.
Parallel; on a level; reaching the same limit.
Balanced; adjusted; fair; equitable; impartial; just to both side; owing nothing on either side; -- said of accounts, bargains, or persons indebted; as, our accounts are even; an even bargain.
Without an irregularity, flaw, or blemish; pure.
Associate; fellow; of the same condition.
Not odd; capable of division by two without a remainder; -- said of numbers; as, 4 and 10 are even numbers.
To make even or level; to level; to lay smooth.
To equal
To place in an equal state, as to obligation, or in a state in which nothing is due on either side; to balance, as accounts; to make quits.
To set right; to complete.
To act up to; to keep pace with.
To be equal.
In an equal or precisely similar manner; equally; precisely; just; likewise; as well.
Up to, or down to, an unusual measure or level; so much as; fully; quite.
As might not be expected; -- serving to introduce what is unexpected or less expected.
At the very time; in the very case.

Listed here below we have the other possible answers to Divisible by two crossword clue.

Rank Answer Clue Publisher
99% EVEN Divisible by two Crosswords with Friends
20% ODD Like numbers not evenly divisible by two Crosswords with Friends
20% ODD Not divisible by two Daily Themed

Recent Usage in Crossword Puzzles:

  • Crosswords with Friends, November 8 2024

The most accurate solution to Divisible by two crossword clue is EVEN

There are a total of 4 letters in Divisible by two crossword clue

The Divisible by two crossword clue based on our database appeared on November 8 2024 Crosswords with Friends puzzle

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