Go into Crossword Clue

General knowledge plays a crucial role in solving crosswords, especially the Go into crossword clue which has appeared on January 28 2025 Crosswords with Friends puzzle. The answer we have shared for Go into has a total of 5 letters but also has other possible answers listed below the main one. Clues often reference historical events, famous personalities, geographical locations, scientific terms, and popular culture. This makes crosswords not just a test of one's linguistic abilities but also an exercise in general knowledge and cultural literacy.

Verified Answer


To come or go into; to pass into the interior of; to pass within the outer cover or shell of; to penetrate; to pierce; as, to enter a house, a closet, a country, a door, etc.; the river enters the sea.
To unite in; to join; to be admitted to; to become a member of; as, to enter an association, a college, an army.
To engage in; to become occupied with; as, to enter the legal profession, the book trade, etc.
To pass within the limits of; to attain; to begin; to commence upon; as, to enter one's teens, a new era, a new dispensation.
To cause to go (into), or to be received (into); to put in; to insert; to cause to be admitted; as, to enter a knife into a piece of wood, a wedge into a log; to enter a boy at college, a horse for a race, etc.
To inscribe; to enroll; to record; as, to enter a name, or a date, in a book, or a book in a catalogue; to enter the particulars of a sale in an account, a manifest of a ship or of merchandise at the customhouse.
To go into or upon, as lands, and take actual possession of them.
To place in regular form before the court, usually in writing; to put upon record in proper from and order; as, to enter a writ, appearance, rule, or judgment.
To make report of (a vessel or her cargo) at the customhouse; to submit a statement of (imported goods), with the original invoices, to the proper officer of the customs for estimating the duties. See Entry, 4.
To file or inscribe upon the records of the land office the required particulars concerning (a quantity of public land) in order to entitle a person to a right pf preemption.
To deposit for copyright the title or description of (a book, picture, map, etc.); as, "entered according to act of Congress."
To initiate; to introduce favorably.
To go or come in; -- often with in used pleonastically; also, to begin; to take the first steps.
To get admission; to introduce one's self; to penetrate; to form or constitute a part; to become a partaker or participant; to share; to engage; -- usually with into; sometimes with on or upon; as, a ball enters into the body; water enters into a ship; he enters into the plan; to enter into a quarrel; a merchant enters into partnership with some one; to enter upon another's land; the boy enters on his tenth year; to enter upon a task; lead enters into the composition of pewter.
To penetrate mentally; to consider attentively; -- with into.

Listed here below we have the other possible answers to Go into crossword clue.

Rank Answer Clue Publisher
99% ENTER Go into Crosswords with Friends
20% SWOON Go into a faint Crosswords with Friends
20% OUTLETS Wall sockets that plugs go into Crosswords with Friends
20% SHOP Set up ___ (go into business) Crosswords with Friends
20% ORAL Like thermometers that go into the mouth Crosswords with Friends
20% LOW Lie ___ (go into hiding) Daily Themed

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The most accurate solution to Go into crossword clue is ENTER

There are a total of 5 letters in Go into crossword clue

The Go into crossword clue based on our database appeared on January 28 2025 Crosswords with Friends puzzle

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