Clues starting with A

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter A. There are a total of 7434 clues that start with the letter A.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Anton ___ (restaurant critic in Ratatouille) 3
Agreement after peace talks 4
American ___ (reality show that debuted in 2002) 4
Actress Perlman or Seehorn 4
Apiece 4
At a tilt like italic letters 7
As strong as ___: 2 wds. 4
Author Fleming who created James Bond 3
Applaud 4
A shoulder to ___ on 3
Add-___ (extra features) 3
Anxious and irritable 4
Actor/TV host Shepard who's married to Kristen Bell 3
A Big ___ o' Love (#1 hit for Elvis) 4
All Day ___ (Founders Brewing product with a rhyming name) 3
Animal whose antlers can grow up to four feet long 3
Actress Moriarty of the Prime Video series The Boys 4
Above all ___ (more than anything) 4
Adjustable baseball cap that's also the title of a 2016 Old Dominion country hit 8
Athletic accessory that's also the title of a 2013 B.o.B. hip-hop hit 8
Animal that says oink 3
Adam's ___ (bump in the throat) 5
As well 4
Actress Kurylenko of Quantum of Solace 4
Anagram puzzle often located near a newspaper's crossword 6
Actress Gilbert who created The Talk 4
Actor Brynner who played the King in The King and I 3
Affirmation in a church 4
Angsty type of music 3
Aquaman star Jason 5

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