Clues starting with U

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter U. There are a total of 1487 clues that start with the letter U.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Use crayons say 5
Unit of a list 4
United ___ Emirates 4
Unknown author for short 4
Unwrap a banana say 4
Use a keyboard say 4
Uncooked as food 3
Use a crowbar 3
Used a shovel say 3
Utmost degree in math 3
Under the weather 3
Unnecessary fuss 3
Uncle ___ who wants YOU! 3
Use a crowbar say 3
Unit of electric resistance 3
Unpleasant smell 4
Urban pollution sign 4
Use a shovel say 3
Upper limb 3
U-shaped stable equipment that is believed to bring good luck 9
U in UV rays 5
United ___ Emirates 4
Uppermost point 4
U of CPU 4
Use scissors ... or a computer command 3
Under the weather 3
Use a park bench 3
Unreturned tennis serve 3
Unhealthy urban haze 4
U of UCLA for short 3

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