Clues starting with P

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter P. There are a total of 7792 clues that start with the letter P.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Pea's package 3
Paloma ___ singer and actress from Pennyworth who may be a believer 5
Playful bite 3
Perfect score for a gymnast 3
Pet you can grow at home? 4
Period's place 3
Pig's noise 4
Promise to your beloved at the altar: 2 wds. 3
Picture capturer for short 3
Piece of firewood 3
Provincial capital in the Dominican Republic (sounds like mocha) 4
Pass with flying colors 3
Pina colada ingredient 3
Pick up the tab say 3
Popeye's Olive ___ 3
Price negotiation acronym 3
Party thrower 4
Professor Severus ___ Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher who is known to never turn his frown upside down 5
Pronoun often used for ships 3
Peek-a-___ 3
Police officer informally 3
Part in a play 4
Popular evening brew 3
Precious stone 3
Please maintain some silence! sound 3
Porridge bit 3
Put down as a carpet 3
Prefix with center or dermal 3
Prefix with pilot or mobile 4
Place for a goatee 4

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