Clues starting with S

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter S. There are a total of 12607 clues that start with the letter S.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Sci-fi's Doctor ___ 3
South ___ Seoul's locale 5
Sets eyes on 4
Shady tree hidden in Belmont 3
Sticky packaging strip 4
Settled the bill 4
Superlative suffix with great or cool 3
Synonym and anagram of aye 3
Scrabble or Chess surface 5
Suffix with auction or mountain 3
Shrek's love interest 5
School group responsible for the hot lunch program: Abbr. 3
Stubborn load-bearer 3
Starred browser menu option that can quickly access saved websites 8
Slippery fish 3
Supermodel ___ Carangi 3
Swiss peak 3
So ___ so good 3
Singapore capital? 3
Sinusitis specialist: Abbr. 3
Sun-kissed hue 3
Secure as a boat 4
Slip-___ (easy to wear shoes) 3
Slender woodwind instrument 4
Santa ___ city in California 3
Sleep phase acronym 3
Savings account addition for short 3
Steal from 3
Sheepish warning 3
Squirrel's handful? 3

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