Clues starting with U

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter U. There are a total of 1667 clues that start with the letter U.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Unbelievable! in text speak: Abbr. 3
Undergarment with a racerback variety 3
Uncle ___ Wants You! 3
Up-the-___-minute 4
Up-and-down playground ride for two 6
University military program: Abbr. 4
Upper limb 3
Used the doorbell say 4
Up to the task 4
Unknown author for short 4
Up to the job 4
Unadorned 4
Urban air pollution 4
Undemanding 4
Unwanted green stuff in aquariums 5
Unpaved rural street: 2 wds. 9
US teachers unions: Abbr. 3
Use a swizzle stick 4
Undersea vessel informally 3
Unpleasant fragrance 4
Up to this point: 2 wds. 6
Unit mentioned on a food label 7
Unresponsive medical state 4
Unit of measure equal to 32 tablespoons 4
Use an oar say 3
Underworld boss 3
Untrustworthy slangily 3
Uses novocaine on 5
Uses needle and thread 4
Unlocked as a door 6

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