Clues starting with U

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter U. There are a total of 1667 clues that start with the letter U.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Undefeated boxer Laila 3
Unlikely to brag 6
Unit of measurement for an elephant 3
Uneven as a number 3
Uninterested sound 3
Use a keyboard 4
Use performance-enhancing drugs 4
UCLA basketball coach with a record 10 NCAA titles who was honored with a 2024 US postage stamp: 2 wds. 11
Uncomfortable around strangers 3
Use by on a product for short 3
Unit of resistance 3
Utilizes 4
Unconvincing as an excuse 4
Uses an ice pack say 5
Undercover agent 3
Up top! celebratoy slap: 2 wds. 9
UK lavatory 3
Unsure answer 5
Under the ___ (song from The Little Mermaid) 3
URL starter: Abbr. 4
Understood 3
Use the ballot 4
Use a chair say 3
Unreturned serve in tennis 3
Used a shovel 3
Unhappy or distressed say 5
Utah's Family City 4
Urban haze 4
Uncertain on a TV schedule: Abbr. 3
Unwritten 4

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