Clues starting with E

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter E. There are a total of 3050 clues that start with the letter E.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
End zone scores in football: Abbr. 3
Enjoyed a recliner 3
Establishment offering medicinal baths 3
Ending for national or rational 3
Ending for Sudan or Siam 3
External 5
Espionage agent 3
End-of-semester tests 5
Emmy-winning Science Guy Bill 3
Essay's central thesis: 2 wds. 8
Electric ___ (sea creature) 3
Environmental science: Abbr. 4
Evergreen tree with cones 3
Exclamation that sounds like a letter of the alphabet 3
Enjoy some time off 5
Elicit as a strong emotion 5
Ending for acetyl or ethyl 3
Ending for Taiwan or Vietnam 3
Expected landing hour: Abbr. 3
Escape button for a fighter pilot 5

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