Clues starting with E

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter E. There are a total of 3046 clues that start with the letter E.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Evil sorcerer from the Harry Potter movies: 2 wds. 13
Evil sorceress from the Chronicles of Narnia movies: 2 wds. 10
English singer Henderson 4
Empty spots as in one's memory 4
End of a sleeve 4
Early TV comedian ___ Sales 5
Elizabethan ___ (1558-1603 in English history) 3
English network that airs the quiz shows QI and Only Connect 3
Emperor during the Great Fire of Rome 4
English player who won the Bronze Boot at the 2019 World Cup: 2 wds. 10
Expel from a country 6
Eat dinner 3
Extinct 4
Electric ocean dweller 3
Egyptian king from the 14th century BC 3
Empire that built Machu Picchu in Peru 4
Easy-to-eat food for infants 3
Electrically charged particles 4
Elephant ___ (crispy pastry) 3
E pluribus ___ (phrase on US currency) 4
Establishment selling scones and lattes 4
Environmentalist Brockovich 4
Extremely heavy weight 3
Earn points in a game 5
Egyptian cobra 3
Exit full screen computer key 3
English rock band being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this year: 2 wds. abbr. 4
Everything's a ___ (My memories are unclear) 4
Excerpt from a speech 5
Exclude 4

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