Clues starting with H

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter H. There are a total of 4620 clues that start with the letter H.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Have a stomach bug perhaps 3
Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author of Coraline: 2 wds. 10
How do I love ___? Let me count the ways ... 4
Historic time spans 4
High-and-mighty 6
Height-enhancing shoes 5
Housetop 4
Hall & Oates song featuring clapping: 2 wds. 11
Happy-sounding brand of plastic wrap 4
Hip hip hooray! 3
Headgear worn by Michael Phelps in competition: 2 wds. 7
Have a ___-roaring good time 3
Hazelnut cocoa spread from Italy 7
Head down a black diamond trail perhaps 3
Horton hears one in a Dr. Seuss story 3
Highest point 4
Hard-boiled detective Spade 3
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World actress Blanchett 4
Hey that's cheating!: 2 wds. 6
Had a cold or the flu perhaps 5
Hired thug 4
Homeless pooch that wanders the streets: 2 wds. 8
Hathaway who won an Oscar for her Les Misérables performance 4
Hard metal that contains iron 5
Honey-glazed entrees 4
He underwent training such as learning to fly a helicopter to perform some of his own stunts in the Mission: Impossible films: 2 wds. 9
He underwent training such as martial arts to perform some of his own stunts in the Batman films: 2 wds. 13
Hair goop 3
How oysters are frequently served 3
He underwent training such as hand-to-hand combat to perform some of his own stunts in the Jason Bourne films: 2 wds. 9

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