Clues starting with J

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter J. There are a total of 1536 clues that start with the letter J.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Jewelry store chain in many malls 3
James Bond or Jason Bourne for example 3
Jakob who's the lead singer for the Wallflowers 5
John ___ (unidentified man) 3
Japanese anime series Cowboy ___ 5
Justin Timberlake's former band: 2 wds. 5
Just as I thought! 3
Jungle animals with lesser and great classifications 4
Jet ___ (international traveler's problem) 3
Justice ___ (2017 superhero movie) 6
Joint that's bent when you're sitting down 4
Join with a blowtorch 4
John ___: Chapter 3 -- Parabellum (2019 movie) 4
John who played Sulu in Star Trek: Into Darkness 3
Josh who voices Olaf the snowman 3
Joan of ___ (French heroine) 3
John ___ (brand of farm equipment) 5
Journalist who created The View and cohosted from 1997 to 2014: 2 wds. 14
Just a single time 4
Jealous feeling 4
Just ___ (not much at all): 2 wds. 4
Join forces to work together: 2 wds. 6
Just asking ___ trouble 3
Just-created 3
J.Lo's fiancé for short: Hyph. 4
Jumps 5
Jamie ___ Curtis of Knives Out 3
Jazz great Fitzgerald 4
Jane Austen title heroine described as handsome clever and rich: 2 wds. 13
July 24 and August 1 for example 5

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