Clues starting with N

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter N. There are a total of 3794 clues that start with the letter N.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Not particularly good but not bad: Hyph. 4
Neither a borrower ___ a lender be 3
Not mild or medium for chicken wings 3
Not-so-sweet smell 4
Number of innings in a typical baseball game 4
Nickname of the president on the $5 bill 3
Number of Canadian provinces 3
Not narrow 4
Norway's capital 4
Nearest star to Earth 3
No ___! (Don't worry about it!) 5
Not very bright 3
Night fliers that hoot 4
New Orleans cuisine 5
Norwegian band that won eight MTV Video Music Awards in 1986: Hyph. 3
Number of people that's a crowd proverbially 5
Neighborhoods 5
Not in the closet 3
North Dakota-to-Minnesota direction 4
No ___ (polite response to a woman) 4
Number like points per game for short 4
Not costing any money 4
Nibbled on 3
Nebraska's largest city 5
Name of a book or song 5
Not easy 4
Not on 3
Nintendo console introduced in 2006 3
No longer asleep 5
Nickel silver or zinc 5

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