Clues starting with O

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter O. There are a total of 3369 clues that start with the letter O.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
O Superman singer who received the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 2024: 2 wds. 15
One of three in a triangle 4
Oh, incidentally …: 3 wds. 10
Orange root vegetable 3
Office size calculation 4
Opportunity metaphorically 4
One of three in most bowling balls 4
Othelio villain 4
Outstanding informally 4
Old crone 3
One of two on Santa's list 4
Operatic highlight 4
Organization that regulates water quality: Abbr. 3
Outfielder’s glove 4
Orangutan, for example 3
Oboe accessory 4
One between 12 and 20 years of age 4
Orange tea variety 5
Opposite of lower 5
Open with a crowbar say 3
Old piece of cloth used for cleaning 3
Oblong tomato used in pasta sauce 4
Oh and one more thing ... 4
Opposite of negative for short 3
Octopus limb count 5
Oops! I did it ___ (Britney Spears song) 5
Opposite of absorb 4
Oh my gosh! 3
Oscar or Emmy e.g. 5
Old Testament hymn 5

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