Clues starting with P

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter P. There are a total of 8604 clues that start with the letter P.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Places to see the Geico gecko and the LiMu emu 3
Prix ___ menu 4
Planes sometimes described as jumbo 4
Poetic tributes 4
Pigpen 3
Prepared dinner for 3
Put your hands on 4
Peg you use in golf but not miniature golf 3
Purposefully stretching the truth 5
Pressing ___ (something urgent) 4
Promised under oath 5
Part of a purse or a bra 5
Piece of Necco candy 5
Post Honey ___ (brand of cereal) 3
Photo ___ (prearranged media events) 3
Prenoon times: Abbr. 3
President who wrote the 2020 memoir A Promised Land 5
Prefix that means the same thing as ante- 3
Puzzle where you try to get from START to FINISH 4
Place to buy a slice 8
Prevent as a catastrophe 5
Price label on new clothes 3
Places with animals in cages 4
Pet that might catch a Frisbee 3
Pixar film inspired by a Mexican holiday 4
Provide backup for a holdup 4
Paper Mario: ___ (2016 Nintendo game in which Mario uses a Paint Hammer): 2 wds. 11
Paper Mario: ___ (2020 Nintendo game in which Mario battles Folded Soldiers): 3 wds. 14
Paper Mario: ___ (2012 Nintendo game in which Mario peels off collectibles): 2 wds. 11
Pennsylvania city about 130 miles north of Pittsburgh 4

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