Clues starting with R

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter R. There are a total of 4327 clues that start with the letter R.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Rowing tool used by the team in The Boys in the Boat 3
Resting place 3
Red Muppet who has a sister named Daisy 4
Rugrats dad 3
Rageful state 3
Relative from centuries before 8
Rapper who released the albums Magic 2 and Magic 3 in 2023 3
Read as a bar code 4
Raggedy doll that was inspired by a poem 3
Ratatouille animation studio 5
Rival of Walgreens 3
Recipient mentioned in a will 4
Really annoy 4
Ramble on 3
Remove the top from as a pill bottle 5
Run off to get married 5
Roll of bills slangily 3
Rain-___ gum 3
Run in neutral 4
Rain-soaked 3
Risk some money 3
Rosemary's Baby director Polanski 5
Response to a question for short 3
Robber's haul 4
Roger that ___ and out! 4
Religious believer who celebrates Holi 5
Resident of Yemen typically 4
Reclined or rested (rhymes with rain) 4
Running joke 3
Ryan Gosling's role in Barbie 3

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