Clues starting with R

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter R. There are a total of 4317 clues that start with the letter R.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Right this second 3
References available ___ request (line in a résumé) 4
Remain undecided 4
Reality show that made Kelly Clarkson a star for short 4
Recording format prior to stereo 4
Really impress 3
Row row row your ___ ... 4
Ring-shaped part of the eye 4
Roman robe 4
Ryan Seacrest to Kelly Ripa 6
Roof overhangs 5
Radiohead lead singer Yorke 4
Right on a map 4
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee Benatar 3
Religion with over 1.8 billion adherents 5
Ruler division 4
Really annoy 3
Reek like a skunk 5
Repeated guitar phrase 4
Raise like horses or dogs 5
Renter's document 5
Rapper with the 2022 album King's Disease III 3
Refuse to share 3
Rowboat accessory 3
Room that often has a couch and a TV 3
Run out of juice like a battery 3
Rob who directed This is Spinal Tap 6
Rhyming term for a female bestie: 2 wds. 6
Residue tapped off a cigar 3
Rogers of Bosch: Legacy 4

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