Clues starting with T

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter T. There are a total of 10096 clues that start with the letter T.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
The Insider actor Russell 5
Thin soup 5
Type of beer made by Stone Brewing: Abbr. 3
Twist the truth 3
Tiny amount of acne cream 3
Totally devoid of hair 4
Take a quick look 6
Table tennis racket 6
The Whole ___ Yards 4
Tough actor who starred on The A-Team: 2 wds. 3
Type of poem that was popular in the 19th century 3
The Love Bug actor who played Wilby Daniels as an adult in the sequel to 29-Across: 2 wds. 9
Title for a king 4
Truck rental rival of Penske and Budget: Hyph. 5
The Fountainhead author Rand 3
The Dead ___ Scrolls 3
Type of beast in the fairy tale Hop-o'-My-Thumb 4
There's no ___ crying over spilt milk 3
Tiny dot on a computer screen 5
Tool that creates dust when it's used 3
That's ___ she wrote! (Finished!) 3
Therapy that helps you walk again after knee or hip replacement 5
Thwacks across the cheek 5
Type of fruit a casaba is 5
To thine ___ self be true (line from Hamlet) 3
The Golden Girls star Arthur with two Emmys 3
Twins Hall of Fame infielder with an unusual moving birthplace: 2 wds. 8
The Sound of Music heroine with an unusual moving birthplace: 3 wds. 13
Top for a mayonnaise jar 3
Tree that's susceptible to beetle damage 3

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