Clues starting with T

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter T. There are a total of 10066 clues that start with the letter T.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Take as a spouse 3
There's more than one way to skin ___: 2 wds. 4
Tools used by lumberjacks 4
Tall bird in Liberty Mutual ads 3
Tiny spot of paint 3
The Eagle ___ landed 3
To be specific ... 6
The Great Gatsby actress Fisher 4
Type of exam that doesn't involve writing 4
Trapped like ___: 2 wds. 4
The long ___ of the law 3
The ___ and short of it is ... 4
Thirty days ___ September ... 4
They precede two-point conversions in football: Abbr. 3
The Princess and the ___ (fairy tale) 3
The slammer 4
The Empire Strikes Back pilot ___ Solo 3
The ___ Squad (Claire Danes film) 3
The most popular newborn girl's name in the US in 2018 4
TV talk show host with a law degree from Northwestern University: 2 wds. 13
To the ___ degree (as much as possible) 3
Type of animal in Kong: Skull Island 3
Thinks in Southern slang 7
Talk show host Kelly 4
The whole enchilada 3
The Daily Show correspondent ___ Wood Jr. 3
Treasure ___ (collections of valuables) 6
Take the ___ route (drive a less direct path) 6
Three-ingredient deli sandwiches for short 4
The Legend of Zelda: A ___ to the Past 4

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