Clues starting with A

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter A. There are a total of 8374 clues that start with the letter A.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Afternoon refresher 3
Angel Heart actress who played lounge singer Marie De Salle in High Fidelity: 2 wds. 10
Actress Dennings of the new ABC comedy Shifting Gears 3
Alien beings: Abbr. 3
Americas ___ (yachting trophy) 3
Action word in grammar 4
Adam's partner 3
Aren't ___ pair?: 2 wds. 3
American ___ 2017 documentary series of CNBC that exposes real-life cases of scams Ponzi schemes and financial fraud 5
Anna's sister in Frozen 4
Aids to help solve a puzzle 5
April ___ bring May flowers 7
Ankle-knee connector 4
Actress ___ Tyler of The Lord of the Rings 3
Actress Gardner of Mogambo 3
Actress ___ Ganem from Devious Maids 3
A Man Called ___ (2022 movie) 4
Actress ___ Wilson from Pitch Perfect 5
Assassin's ___ action-adventure video game that is set during the Crusades 5
All jokes ___ ... 5
And so on ...: Abbr. 3
Actor Somerhalder from The Vampire Diaries 3
Americas Test Kitchen broadcaster 3
Airport screening organization: Abbr. 3
Alpha follower 4
America's first ___ department emergency service that was established by Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia in 1736 4
Actress ___ Ryan from Sleepless in Seattle 3
Actor Omar ___ of House 4
Alien transport: Abbr. 3
Ageless skincare brand 4

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