Clues starting with C

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter C. There are a total of 9495 clues that start with the letter C.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Cross my heart!: 2 wds. 8
Call Me Maybe singer Carly ___ Jepsen 3
Chemistry or biology for example: Abbr. 3
Catherine ___-Jones 4
Cousin's mother 4
Cable channel that airs the drama Animal Kingdom 3
Crafty like a fox 3
Ctrl-___-Del (common computer key combination) 3
Central Iowa city 4
Chicken ___ (dish named for Ukraine's capital) 4
Car you can hail for a ride 4
Chris or Stewie to Peter Griffin on Family Guy 3
Country in the northeast corner of Africa 5
Continue to the bitter ___ 3
Computer purchased at an Apple Store 3
Collect crops from a field 4
Container for Christmas cookies 3
Chicken coop occupant 3
Chest muscle in slang 3
Cover for an eye cream jar 3
Country with the most wins at soccer's Women's World Cup: Abbr. 3
Could you repeat that? 3
Cincinnati team with five World Series wins 4
Could you ___ it in a sentence? (question from a spelling bee contestant) 3
Casino Royale actress Green 3
Clickable web links: Abbr. 4
Country west of Pakistan 4
Chipotle item served in a crispy corn or soft flour tortilla 4
Chair 4
Color of most wolves' fur 4

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