Clues starting with C

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter C. There are a total of 8696 clues that start with the letter C.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Cremation vessel 3
Colloquial term for the Television... or a hint to solve 16a 22a 4d and 36d: 2 wds. 8
Ctrl + C command 4
Chop off as a branch 3
Cunning like a fox 3
Clifford's color 3
Company emblem 4
Card game with a Spanish name... or a hint to solve 18a 37a 47a 51a 22d and 26d 3
Chairs in theaters 5
Chairman ___ Zedong 3
Castor ___ Olive's older brother 3
Catch some Z's 5
Country miss 3
Corporate bigshot: Abbr. 3
Carpenter's toothy tool 3
Calder Cup organization: Abbr. 3
Condiment in coleslaw informally 4
Chewing ___ (sweet treat) 3
Comic explosion 3
Crosswalk user for short 3
Camera part 4
Covert ___ (secret missions) 3
Cry big tears 3
Chest muscle for short 3
Coastal inlet 3
Cake weight units: Abbr. 3
Coca-___ (soft drink) 4
Call Me Maybe singer Carly ___ Jepsen 3
Chinese path of virtue 3
Charlemagne and Otto's realm (anagram of her): Abbr. 3

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