Clues starting with F

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter F. There are a total of 5548 clues that start with the letter F.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Feeling on seeing the northern lights say 3
Flirt with the eye? 4
Formal yes 3
Fourth planet from the Sun 4
Floating mattress that was popular in the '70s 8
Fairytale monster 4
Face-to-face exam say 4
Freudian concept 3
Flutter like a bird 4
Fair-hiring initials 3
Family ___ (animated sitcom) 3
Fantastic ___ 2005 superhero film with a quartet's number in its title 4
Fitting as a reply 3
Farm field measure 4
Female neigh-er 4
Furry aquatic swimmer that is a relative of weasels 5
Family member for short 3
Floor cleaner 3
First ___ kit 3
Fall foliage month for short 3
Fermented Indian crepe (anagram of soda) 4
Food ___ (after-food drowsiness) 4
Formula 1 Grand Prix locale 6
Fountain pen juice 3
Frozen voice actor Josh 3
Fleshy mango part 4
Fear of the Dark band ___ Maiden 4
Folk-rock supergroup initials that was later joined by Neil Young 3
Farmland unit 4
Fifth month 3

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