Clues starting with F

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter F. There are a total of 5668 clues that start with the letter F.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
First word in a letter often 4
Female sibling fondly 3
Formula to measure body fat: Abbr. 3
Fox in The Fox and the Hound 3
Fowl product 3
Floor cleaner 3
Former electronics retailer who were pioneers of door-to-door installing of 43a 4
French ___ (coffee-making device) 5
Frog's cousin 4
French luxury brand letters 3
Finding ___ Tin Tin 3
FBI operative for short 3
FaceTime's platform 3
Flight connection word 3
Fair hiring letters similar to EOE 3
Future embryos 3
Family member for short 3
Fabricated statements 4
Flushed London can informally 3
Feeling dejected 3
Fork prong that rhymes with mine 4
Fannie ___ (mortgage company) 3
Flavor-enhancer in Chinese cuisine: Abbr. 3
Fawn's mother 3
Facts ___ facts 3
First aid ___ (boxes with medical supplies) 4
Fast and speedy... or a hint to solve 21a 42a 43a 56a and 51d 5
Flattering tributes 4
Furry canine offering 3
French yes 3

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