Clues starting with G

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter G. There are a total of 4538 clues that start with the letter G.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Grain served at Benihana 4
Grazed on 3
Gallery hangings 3
Go ___ vacation: 2 wds. 3
Game show hosts: Abbr. 3
Grape ___ (purple gorilla of 1970s cartoons) 3
Great Lake bordering Ohio 4
Get together as to discuss business 4
Group that controls the prices of crude oil: Abbr. 4
Golden Delicious fruit 5
Group of 12 people in a trial 4
Gooey liquid from a tree 3
Govern 4
Grains that are sometimes steel-cut 4
Go bad like a piece of fruit 5
Grow weary 4
George W. Bush's younger brother 3
Getting ___ years (growing older): 2 wds. 4
Gas in brightly lit signs 4
Goal of brainstorming 4
Go out on a ___ (do something risky) 4
Grant permission for 5
Grand Canyon donkey 5
Gave lunch to 3
Geek 4
Gladys Knight and the ___ 4
Genetic substance for 3
Grasped in the hand 4
Greek letter that precedes and rhymes with theta 3
Gets ready to play a musical instrument: 2 wds. 7

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