Clues starting with F

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter F. There are a total of 5529 clues that start with the letter F.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
First A in AKA 4
February 14th outing 4
Fish's edible produce 3
Fence opening 4
Flow's partner 3
Fuel additive brand: Abbr. 3
Final count 5
Flavor booster in Chinese cuisine: Abbr. 3
Fine by me! 4
Fantasy TV series named after the protagonist who is the Lord of Hell played by Tom Ellis 7
Family matriarch informally 3
Flap wings say 3
Folk rock's DiFranco 3
Fencing sword in the Olympics 4
Flight status detail: Abbr. 3
Frozen slushy drink 4
Fortuneteller 4
Finger lickin' good chain: Abbr. 3
Full of wonderful flavors 5
Four score and seven years ___ 3
Friend or ___? 3
Formerly known as 3
Famed radio host ___ Glass 3
Fitting like a name or a phrase 3
Fortune teller's cards 5
Fabricated statement 3
Female deer 3
Faux ___ 3
Feeling of wonderment 3
For ___ (cards section for Father's Day perhaps) 3

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