Clues starting with L

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter L. There are a total of 5052 clues that start with the letter L.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Large horned creature informally 5
Limb in sleeve 3
Like jelly beans or marshmallow 5
Let me ___ you something you already know ... 4
Like the numbers 3 7 or 11 3
Lunch sandwich with a main meat ingredient 3
Loop in an email secretly: Abbr. 3
Let out as inside information 4
Lakers organization: Abbr. 3
Lunch sandwich made with rye bread that is filled with corned beef and sauerkraut 6
Lightning bolt unit 4
L in SNL 4
Leader from Vatican City 4
Letters before a nickname 3
Landlord's income 4
Like the Hatter in Wonderland 3
Lock opener 3
Letter writing tool 3
Legends of the Hidden ___ popular Nickelodeon action game show that features six teams of children competing against one another 6
Legendary jazz singer ___ James anointed the matriarch of blues 4
Load-bearing brayer 3
Letters on a sunscreen bottle 3
Love to death 5
Love of My ___ ( Queen hit) 4
Like 3 and 5 3
Lymph ___ (immune system part) 4
Logic game played with matchsticks (anagram of min) 3
Land of Lima llamas and Incas 4
Leak slowly through cracks 4
Law enforcement organization with a Most Wanted list: Abbr. 3

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