Clues starting with C

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter C. There are a total of 8677 clues that start with the letter C.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Choo-choo transport 5
Com preceder in URLs 3
Choir voice 4
Carolina's ___ Dee River 3
Cremation vessel 3
Chinese philosophy of harmony 3
Competed in American Idol say 4
Cheerful tune (rhymes with tilt) 4
Corporate bigwig: Abbr. 3
Campus in the Big Apple: Abbr. 3
Charitable offerings 4
Cleaner with bristles 8
Cupid's Greek counterpart 4
Cunning like a fox 3
Cape ___ 1962 thriller film starring Gregory Peck that was remade in 1991 4
Come one come ___! 3
Civil rights activist Parks 4
Commercials on TV for short 3
CBS logo 3
Class dismissed sound 4
Common degree for an executive: Abbr. 3
Cries of a dove 4
Comedy legend Brooks 3
Cock-a-doodle-___ (rooster’s call) 3
Come up again and again 5
Camp shelter 4
Curtain holder 3
Cat's offering 3
Commotion 3
Chicken ___ King: 2 wds. 3

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