Clues starting with C

In this page you will find all the crossword clues that start with the letter C. There are a total of 8684 clues that start with the letter C.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Clue Answer # Letters
Cock-a-doodle-___ (rooster’s call) 3
Come up again and again 5
Camp shelter 4
Curtain holder 3
Cat's offering 3
Commotion 3
Chicken ___ King: 2 wds. 3
Cozy corner 4
Cowboy's headgear 3
Cow's call 3
China's ___ Zedong 3
Come down a slope 3
California's Fort ___ 3
Chinese philosophy 3
Charged particle 3
Comedian's offering 4
Comedy Central event 5
Cuff a criminal 3
Coral ___ (snorkeling spot) 4
Corrosive chemical 4
Crafty e-commerce site 4
Clumsy sort 3
Chilly sound 3
Column partner 3
Cold cube 3
Collision sound in comics 3
Computer whiz 4
Court proceeding 5
Cowboy footwear 4
CAUTION! Chili ___ spicy food staple that shouldn't be stored in a metal container 6

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